Monday, November 30, 2015

I cannot let my heart cry
to beg to keep you here
because then the illusion
of seen will be like teeth
on the saw of time
cutting away at 
all that is transcendent 
and eternal
when the connection
that is sacred must remain
as cosmic as the unseen 
has proven it to be

so instead I must 
remind my heart
to say I love you
and thank you for the gift
of sharing the miracle of you
when sharing took more
than what was there to give
and has been the bravest thing
that I have ever known
in this life or any other

and then let the illusion fall away
to keep this love instead
in the place it will always
have breath to breathe
in the tandem 
of sacred energies 
completing the circuit
of the ethereal of this love

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