Thursday, November 19, 2015

you are a tattoo
inside my heart
needle vibrating outward
through the skin
like ink dispersed in water
goes as a light into the day
in a message to the stars

you are like secret art
in the ways 
the tattooed carry 
the intimate symbols
of what means the most
worn throughout their day
the honouring of sacred
given space
inside the canvas
of the flesh 

commitment of imprintation
that dares pronounce
that time
has no jurisdiction
on this territory
enough to change 
what these lines here
have to say

a choice made
not from momentary lapse
of judgement 
or for whim or trend
but an ancient rite
understood and taken
through the ritual
of many 
focussed days

and as these days go by
I watch you emerge
cresting the outer surface
with your colours
painted in my skin
and learn that love 
is a tattoo not on the heart
but from the heart
something permanent
to mark us from within

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